Which has both a spring and fall season and is sponsored by DABA which offers a 6 - 8 year old slow pitch program and a 9 - 15 year old fast-pitch program for girls who live in the Keystone Oaks Area. Which include Dormont, Green Tree Tree and Castle Shannon. KOA does accept registrations from other communities if their community does not provide a softball program of their own, Non KOA registrations will not be accepted unless approved by the Softball Committee Chairperson or the Softball Commissioner prior to their registration,. There is a 70% - 30% ratio rule for non KOA registrations per team that we must follow as our league (GPGSL) rules. The age groups that KOA softball offers are shown below. Each age group is based off of the girls birth date as of September 1. All parents must register their child at the appropriate age group.
Any questions or concerns that you may have please feel free to contact:
Kevin Honsberger E-mail - [email protected]
8 and under slowpitch - (ages 6,7 and 8 ) 8u is the only slow-pitch program that KOA offers. The Coach pitches slow toss to the girls and teaches the girls the basic techniques of hitting, catching and throwing. Coach pitches 8 pitches to the batter. Batter gets 4 strikes for a strike out. All girls play the field and bat. No girl sits on the bench when playing Games last 6 innings or 2 hrs. Season starts around the beginning of May. All home games are played at 1 pm on Saturday's at Pop Murray field
10 & under fast-pitch (ages 9 and 10) 10u fast-pitch is the introductory to the fast-pitch program. Taking what the girls have learned in slow-pitch one step further. Where bunting and stealing are aloud. The player pitches to the bating team with a 11 in. hardcore softball until she throws four (4) balls to a batter, then the coach finishes pitching to same batter. This process continues throughout the game. Umpire calls the ball and strikes. 10 players play on the field at one time using four outfielders. The remaining girls will sit on the bench when not playing the field, but may not sit for more than 2 innings at a time. The manager substitutes the girls at any position he wishes on the field during the game. Games last 7 innings or 2 hours. Season starts around the middle of April and ends the middle of July with league play offs at this age group. All home games are played on either Tuesday or Thursday nights at Pop Murray field
12 & Under fast-pitch (ages 11 and 12) Basically the same as 10u but more advanced. Coach does not pitch to opposing team. Player now pitches with a 12in. hardcore softball to opposing team. 9 players play the field. 4 infielders, 3 outfielders, catcher, and pitcher. The remaining rules from 10u apply. Games also last 7 innings or 2 hrs. Season also starts around the middle of April and ends the middle of July with league play offs at this age group. All home games are played on either Tuesday or Thursday nights at Pop Murray field.
15 & Under fast-pitch (ages 13,14 and 15) Much more advanced in skill. Girls are either playing middle school or high school softball by now.Player pitches to opposing team with a 12in. hardcore softball and pitching mound is further away from home plate. 2 umpires are used. One umpires home plate and the other umpires the bases. All other rules apply from 10 and 12u. Season starts after the High School softball season is over which is usually near the the end of May and ends near the end of July also with league play offs. All home games are played on either Tuesday or Thursday nights at Pop Murray field.
All managers and coaches must have their 33/34 clearances prior to the start of the season to be able to step on the field.
The softball committee strongly supports the code of conduct which you sign at the time you register. So please read over carefully.
KOA Softball News
KOA softball on line registrations for the spring season are now open with lower registration fees
Roster spots are still available at all age groups but are filling fast. So please do not hesitate to register.
To secure safety for all the girls as well as coaches and parents we will be following the covid-19 guidelines
What are our spring registration fees?
8u slowpitch - ages 6, 7 and 8 - $6510u fastpitch - ages 9 and 10 - $80
12u fastpitch - ages 11 and 12 - $8015u fastpitch - ages 13,14 and 15 - $90
Registration includes a jersey and socks. Roster spots are still available but filling fast. So please do not hesitate to register.Combining Communities
With the low registration of girls signing up for softball in Dormont, Green Tree and Castle Shannon. The 3 communities got together and decided to join together our fastpitch program to make one softball program called KOA softball. Parents are asked to register there child through their own community. There will be a draft after registration and before the start of the spring season for all the girls who registered in the 3 communities to make up the teams and play together as one program. Interested in volunteering a team manager or coach We are always looking for patents (men or woman) to coach or manage one of our teams. You must have your up to date 33/34 clearances prior to the start of the season. If interested please fill out the parent volunteer sheet when your register your child or contact Kevin Honsberger @ 412-576-1020Sponsor Opportunities In effort to keep our registration fees reasonable, we rely heavily on sponsors. DABA is always looking for business, private families or Individuals to become a team sponsor or a sign sponsor at Pop Murray Field on Dormont Ave Our sponsor program will be available for the upcoming season. To learn more about becoming a team or sign sponsor please go to our home page and scroll down to the popular page and click on the site that says become a sponsor to lean more.Fall fastpitch softball
For 10 - 12 - and 15u age groups only. Cost is $60. There is NO 8u slowpich program is offered during the fall. Season runs from the weekend after Labor Day through the end of October. Games are mostly played on Saturdays and Sundays. Teams play 2 five inning games. On line registrations only. How many games do they play?
During the spring season there are 14 games scheduled. 7 home and 7 away. With play offs at the end of the regular season. All home games for both slow and fast-pitch are played at Pop Murray Little League Field.
Fast-pitch home game are played on Tuesday and Thursday nights and the 8u slow-pitch games are played on Saturday afternoons at 1 pm. The season runs from the end of April until the middle of July.
How many practices are there?
All practices are up to the team managers. Usually there are one or two practices a week.
Also there is gym time practices starting every Saturday in January through March at the Dormont Borough gym. But please do not just show up unless your are contacted by your team manager. How can I help?
You can help by signing up to be be a manager, coach, scorekeeper, or by helping out in the concession stand at home games during the season and Tournaments. Community service hours are also available for High school students 9th grade through 12th grade during the season and all Tournaments.